Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to recover cisco switch port from err-disable state

Port is in err-disable state? And you don't know what to do?
switch01#show int G1/0/19
GigabitEthernet1/0/19 is down, line protocol is down (err-disabled)

Find out the main reason for err-disable state. In our case it is port security violation on port Gi1/0/19.
#show interfaces status err-disabled
Port      Name               Status       Reason
Gi1/0/19  SERVER01    err-disabled psecure-violation
Gi1/0/46                     err-disabled psecure-violation
Gi2/0/12                     err-disabled psecure-violation
Fix port configuration:
int G1/0/19
 no switchport port-security
 no shut